Finding the Best Back Taxes Attorneys
Tax Law

Finding the Best Back Taxes Attorneys


Back taxes attorneys have the expertise to help taxpayers in various situations, from filing past due returns to settling large balances owed.

Understanding IRS Tax Debt Resolution Options

The IRS provides taxpayers with different options for resolving tax debt depending on their financial situation. Back taxes attorneys can analyze your case and advise you on the best path forward. Some common IRS resolution options include:

  • Installment Agreements: Payment plans that allow taxpayers to pay off balances over 6 years. Attorney assistance can lead to more affordable payment options.
  • Offers in Compromise: Allows taxpayers to settle tax debt for less than the full amount owed. Strict eligibility requirements apply. Back taxes attorneys negotiate with the IRS on your behalf.
  • Currently Not Collectible Status: Pauses IRS collection efforts for taxpayers facing financial hardship. Periodic financial reviews are required.

Using the specialized knowledge of a tax attorney maximizes your chances of qualifying for a beneficial resolution program.

Key Capabilities to Look For in Back Taxes Attorneys

With so much at stake when resolving IRS tax debt, it is critical to have an experienced attorney in your corner. When researching back taxes attorneys, look for these key capabilities:

Tax Debt Negotiation Experience

A strong track record of negotiating Offer in Compromise settlements and Installment Agreements on the taxpayer’s behalf. The best firms have a high success rate.

IRS Audit Defense

If your back taxes resulted from an IRS audit, your attorney should have experience defending similar cases on audit appeal or in U.S. Tax Court.

Tax Planning Expertise

In addition to resolving your existing tax debt, your back taxes attorney should provide proactive tax planning advice to avoid future debt. This distinguishes top firms.

National Presence

Opt for a firm with attorneys licensed across the U.S., especially if you moved between states. This expands your representation options.

Flat-Fee Billing

The top back taxes law firms offer flat-fee billing for tax resolution work, bringing cost certainty to the process. Beware of firms charging hourly.

Questions to Ask Prospective Back Taxes Attorneys

As you vet potential back taxes attorneys to take on your IRS tax case, asking the right questions is key to finding the best fit. Important questions to ask include:

  • What is your success rate for settlements vs appeals vs litigation?
  • How quickly can you engage with the IRS on my behalf?
  • Do you provide national representation or am I limited to my local area?
  • What strategies will you use to resolve my specific tax issues?
  • Can you provide flat-fee pricing upfront for my case?
  • If the first resolution attempt fails, what backup plans do you have?

The attorney should provide clear, confident responses to demonstrate their capabilities and experience.

Also Read:

When to Hire Back Taxes Representation

Dealing with the IRS on your own isVery rarely a good idea, but when specifically is the right time to hire a back taxes attorney? The following situations indicate you should seek professional support:

  • You owe $10,000 or more in back taxes
  • You missed the deadline for petitioning a Notice of Deficiency
  • You received an IRS Notice of Intent to Levy
  • The IRS denied your own Offer in Compromise submission
  • You failed to file returns for multiple missing years

If any of the above apply to your tax situation, hiring back taxes counsel is imperative to navigate IRS negotiations and build a case for tax relief.

Top-Rated Back Taxes Law Firms

If you have significant tax debt to the IRS, these nationally-ranked back taxes law firms have proven records of delivering excellent outcomes for taxpayers:

1. Schenck SC

With tax attorneys licensed in 50 states, Schenck SC has over 75 years of in-depth tax expertise. 98% of their clients achieve successful IRS case resolution, with over $7 billion in negotiated debt forgiveness. [1]

2. Fox Law Group

Fox Law Group reduces clients’ tax burdens by 50-80% on average. Their boutique tax firm focus results in an impressive 97% resolution success rate. [2]

3. Morgan & Morgan Tax Group

As the largest U.S. consumer protection firm, Morgan & Morgan has the scale and resources to take on complex IRS negotiations. Tax attorneys helped clients eliminate over $100 million in tax debt. [3]

4. Tax Defense Partners

Tax Defense Partners works with clients who collectively owe over $500 million in owed back taxes. Over 70% of their clients qualify for Currently Not Collectible status. [4]

5. Bright Tax

Bright Tax attorneys provide IRS audit defense and tax planning services in addition to negotiating tax relief. Their nimble team builds strong tax savings cases. [5]

How Much Do Back Taxes Lawyers Cost?

Reputable back taxes attorneys typically price services through flat fees based on the complexity of the tax issues and volume of casework required. Fees often range from:

  • $2,500 to prepare non-delinquent back tax returns
  • $3,500+ for IRS penalty abatements
  • $5,000+ for multi-year missing return filings
  • $7,500+ for negotiating large balance Installment Agreements
  • $10,000+ for complex Offer in Compromise settlements

While attorney fees may seem high, they are well worth the IRS compliance and financial peace of mind achieved. Top firms also offer payment plans for their services.

Take Control of Your Tax Situation

Falling behind on tax filing and payments happens, but allowing tax debts to grow out of control can burden you financially for years. Hiring expert back taxes attorneys levels the playing field against the IRS, resulting in vastly reduced tax balances and sustainable resolution plans. Don’t wait to seek representation and finally put your tax problems behind you.


Morgan & Morgan. (n.d.). Tax Law. Morgan & Morgan. Retrieved February 5, 2024, from

Tax Defense Partners. (n.d.) Tax Defense Partners – IRS Tax Relief Services. Tax Defense Partners. Retrieved February 5, 2024, from

Bright Tax. (n.d.). California Tax Attorneys & Advisors. Bright Tax. Retrieved February 5, 2024, from


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