Payroll Tax Relief Attorneys Can Help 
Tax Law

Payroll Tax Relief Attorneys Can Help 


Payroll tax relief attorneys specialize in helping businesses and individuals resolve issues with payroll taxes. Payroll taxes refer to taxes that employers are required to withhold from employees’ wages and remit to federal and state agencies. These include income tax, Social Security tax, and Medicare tax. Failure to pay payroll taxes properly can lead to significant penalties and interest charges. That’s where working with specialized payroll tax relief attorneys is crucial.

Common Payroll Tax Issues That Payroll Tax Relief Attorneys Can Assist With

Here are some of the most common situations where businesses and people run into payroll tax problems and need help from payroll tax relief attorneys:

  • Failing to pay payroll taxes on time
  • Not filing required payroll tax returns
  • Misclassifying employees as independent contractors
  • Calculation errors resulting in incorrect payroll tax payments
  • Inability to pay due to financial hardship or slow business periods

If any of these issues sound familiar, you will benefit from retaining payroll tax relief attorneys to protect your interests with tax authorities like the IRS and state agencies.

Services Offered By Payroll Tax Relief Attorneys

Payroll tax relief attorneys offer a wide range of services to assist clients with resolving past-due taxes and avoiding future payroll tax problems. Here are some of the key services provided:

  • Negotiating payment plans, penalties abatement & settlements with tax agencies
  • Assistance responding to notices & audits from Federal & state tax authorities
  • Tax debt resolution through Offer in Compromise or Innocent Spouse Relief
  • Applying for relief from penalties caused by incorrect tax advice or preparer errors
  • Obtaining rulings to clarify proper worker classification
  • Guidance on properly calculating tax payments & tax return filing obligations

The right payroll tax relief attorney can save clients significant money through negotiated settlements and penalty relief. They serve as an experienced guide through complicated tax rules and agency procedures.

When To Hire Payroll Tax Relief Attorneys

It’s important to reach out to payroll tax relief attorneys for assistance at the right time. Here are key times businesses and individuals should retain tax attorneys:

Notices from Tax Agencies

If you receive a notice from the IRS or state tax authorities about possible errors, underpaid taxes, or other issues – consult payroll tax relief attorneys immediately. Negotiating early leads to better outcomes.

Audit or Tax Investigation

Having skilled tax lawyers on your side levels the playing field during stressful audits or fraud investigations related to payroll taxes. Don’t go it alone.

Changing Tax Obligations

When businesses ramp up hiring rapidly or make internal changes like reclassifying workers – engage payroll tax relief attorneys to ensure ongoing compliance and avoid future penalties. Being proactive pays off.

The earlier on in the process specialists get involved, the more leverage they have to negotiate exceptions, set up payment plans, reduce penalties, and find other tax savings avenues.

Situation When to Call Payroll Tax Relief Attorneys
Receive Notice from IRS/State Tax Agency Immediately!
Ongoing Payroll Tax Issues Don’t delay – Call now
Undergoing Tax Audit or Investigation As soon as you’re notified

Warning Signs You Need Help from Payroll Tax Relief Attorneys

Here are key warning signs that indicate businesses or payroll managers should seek legal consultation or representation:

  • Failure to pay payroll taxes for 2+ quarters
  • Repeated errors in calculating tax payments
  • Cashflow issues making it difficult to get payroll tax payments in on time
  • 1099 contractors reclassified as employees resulting in higher tax burden
  • Disagreements with tax agency over amounts owed or payment plans

Ignoring payroll tax problems won’t make them go away – the interest, late fees, and penalties will keep growing. Engaging skilled payroll tax relief attorneys helps take control of the situation.

Also Read:

Benefits of Hiring Payroll Tax Relief Attorneys

Some key benefits of retaining payroll tax specialists include:

Expert Negotiators: Experienced tax relief lawyers serve as buffers between clients and aggressive tax collectors. They negotiate the lowest realistic penalties and settlements.

Correct Worker Classification: Mistakes classifying employees vs contractors lead to huge tax bills later on. Tax attorneys help ensure you classify correctly upfront.

Avoid Tax Debt Acceleration: Attorneys halt escalation of payroll tax debts by establishing payment plans and obtaining temporary collection delays when possible.

Knowledgeable payroll tax relief attorneys level the playing field against the IRS and state tax agencies. Their guidance and negotiations prevent additional penalties and interest charges from accruing.

Find the Best Payroll Tax Relief Attorneys For Your Situation

All payroll tax relief attorneys are not equal when it comes to experience with specific tax scenarios and negotiating with various tax agencies. To find the best match:

  • Search industry associations like the American Bar Association or American Society of Tax Problem Solvers to identify payroll tax specialists.
  • Look for lawyers with extensive payroll tax resolution experience, including Spouse Relief, Trust Fund Recovery issues, and more.
  • Meet with 2-3 qualified candidates to discuss your situation before deciding on representation. Having options allows choosing the best fit.
  • Find out who will be working on your case directly and their background/experience—not just lead partners. The level of partner involvement matters too.
  • Understand what is included in representation fees and compare rates. Look for flat-fee arrangements to control costs.

With the right payroll tax relief attorney in your corner, you can resolve tax debts, reduce penalties, correct compliance issues going forward, and avoid personal liability. Focus your efforts on what you do best—operating the business—while the attorneys handle the IRS and taxes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Payroll Tax Relief Attorneys

Here are answers to some common questions businesses and individuals have about working with payroll tax relief attorneys:

What Does It Cost To Hire Payroll Tax Relief Attorneys?

Costs vary depending on firm experience, lawyers assigned to your case, and the complexity of tax issues. Many firms work on flat-fee or hourly billing models. Expect fees ranging from $2,000 to $10,000+ for comprehensive payroll tax help.

When Do I Need To Call Payroll Tax Relief Attorneys Versus CPAs or Enrolled Agents?

CPAs have tax knowledge but lack legal negotiation tools with tax agencies. Enrolled Agents have tax resolution experience yet more limited legal options too. Payroll tax relief attorneys have the legal background plus tax expertise to achieve the best outcomes.

Can Payroll Tax Relief Attorneys Eliminate Tax Debts Completely?

In some cases, yes. Attorneys identify paths to full debt elimination including applying for Innocent Spouse Relief or proving malfeasance by previous tax preparers. More often outstanding tax debts are reduced as much as legally possible through settlements or payment plans.

How Long Does It Take For Payroll Tax Relief Attorneys To Resolve Issues?

Most tax resolutions via attorneys take 6-18 months depending on complexity, attorney negotiations, and tax authority backlogs. Expect setting up recurring payment plans to resolve faster – within 3-6 months when possible.

Will I End Up Owing The IRS Even More Money If I Work With A Payroll Tax Relief Attorney?

You should owe nothing additionally above attorney fees. Competent tax lawyers utilize legal options and keen negotiating tactics to lower IRS bills. Unlike dubious “tax settlement” companies, legitimate tax attorneys act in clients’ best interests.


Dealing with payroll tax issues like non-payment, underpayment, or outright fraud investigations causes stress for businesses and individuals alike. Yet attempting do-it-yourself resolutions typically makes matters worse and more expensive in the long run. Knowledgeable payroll tax relief attorneys level the playing field against the IRS and state tax agencies to resolve debts and avoid future payroll tax problems. Reach out for legal help at the first signs of tax struggles —or proactively if your situation suddenly changes — to stop snowballing interest and penalty charges in their tracks.

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